Tammy Caputi

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Scottsdale Independent | Scottsdale's Fork in the Road

“We can choose positive, forward thinking, fact-based leaders who focus on our future and our economic sustainability; or, we can elect people who are clinging to the past, arguing with divisive rhetoric, whose vision for the city can only result in deteriorating the quality of life our residents expect and enjoy.”
— Tammy Caputi

Scottsdale is at a watershed moment for our city.

Voters have two distinct choices in the November election for our City Council.

Residents can choose positive, forward thinking, fact-based leaders who focus on our future and our economic sustainability; or, we can elect people who are clinging to the past and afraid of change, arguing with divisive rhetoric and incorrect facts, whose vision for the city can only result in deteriorating the quality of life our residents expect and enjoy.

I want Scottsdale to be even better for my kids than it’s been for me. My passion is the future of our city; our livability and quality of place. This means economic vitality; a diverse, resilient, robust economy; quality development with public benefits like open spaces, infrastructure investment, and attainable housing; and collaboration with our schools, so our children can get a topnotch education and find good jobs from hire to retire.

We need council members who will govern with facts, open minds and integrity. I want to help build a positive, unified city where everyone has a voice and trusts the system. Where residents are engaged, valued and partnered with our council.

Activism has its place, but council members must understand what it means to govern, not just be angry or volatile. Opposition is not a vision.

“Us versus them” is a dead end. I hope voters will see through the shortsighted and reactionary rhetoric that has been vocalized by some of my challengers.

Investing in our economic hubs creates the sales tax revenue that keeps our quality of life high, property values strong and property taxes low. A strong economy keeps Scottsdale successful for our residents. It allows us to have our preserve lands and open spaces, high amenities and jobs, and quality schools.

It’s how we create and maintain a healthy, balanced community for ourselves and future generations.

We handicap ourselves when we blindly oppose economic progress and success; we shouldn’t have our minds made up to say “no.” Attacking the business community is not “resident friendly.”

Criticizing investment is not welcoming. Nearly all of our residents are either business owners, work for a business in Scottsdale, have retired from a business, or benefit from the sales tax revenue generated by a business.

Several of the candidates are using fear and outlandish comparisons to Los Angeles to earn your votes. Our real fear should be what happens to Scottsdale without quality economic development, jobs, and a balance of young, middle aged and senior residents.

Every $10,000 of salary from a new job in Scottsdale creates $70,000 of economic impact. We cannot remain special without a robust business economy, robust tourism, strong housing and schools, and high amenities.

We cannot afford to make Scottsdale a hostile environment in which to invest; driving all the capital to neighboring cities is a formula for failure. The real fear is that our city will become Palm Springs — an economically unviable bedroom community that cannot sustain itself and is forced to increase taxes and decrease assets.

The choice in this election is clear. The true “resident friendly” candidates are the ones who will make life better for all our diverse residents for generations to come, who understand we need quality and balance, not to lock the gate behind us.

I am that candidate. I have deep, meaningful relationships with all segments of our community: retired residents, businesses, families, educators and investors in our community.

Candidates who shun relationships with the business community have no way of partnering and negotiating for the best projects for our city. My three years serving on the Development Review Board overseeing the quality of our development is a clear track record of my collaborative, inclusive approach.

Not all projects should be approved, but all projects can be improved.

We are at a unique moment in time, where we have an opportunity to replace old systems with new and improved ones, and to build back better, bolder, and more prepared for the future. I am motivated, energized, and ready to serve.

I’d be honored for your vote on Nov. 3.

This article was originally published in the Scottsdale Independent. See the full article at Caputi: Scottsdale’s fork in the road